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FIM, IRTA og Dorna offentliggjorde i går, at HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland, Motul TT Assen samt løbet på den nyanlagte Kymiring i Finland alle er aflyst. Grunden til at arrangementerne ikke bliver afholdt behøver vi vel efterhånden ikke nævne noget om.
HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland skulle i år have været afholdt på Sachsenring i weekenden fra den 19. til den 21. Juni, løbet på Assen skulle efter planen have fundet sted den 26. til den. 28. Juni, og slutteligt skulle feltet afprøve den friske asfalt i Finland den 10. til den 12. Juli.
Aflysningen af ovenstående events indebærer også at arrangementerne i FIM Enel MotoE, Northern Talent Cup og FIM Red Bull Rookies Cup, som skulle være afviklet samtidig med MotoGP, selvfølgelig heller ikke bliver til noget.
Carmelo Ezpeleta, CEO of Dorna Sports udtaler:
“It is with great sadness that we announce the cancellation of these three important Grands Prix on the MotoGP calendar. The German GP is raced on a truly unique track with an incredible history, and the KymiRing is an exciting new venue set to welcome Grand Prix motorcycle racing back to Finland for the first time since 1982. And the iconic TT Circuit Assen had the unique honour of being the only venue to have held a round of the motorcycle racing Grand Prix World Championship every year, uninterrupted, since the Championship began in 1949.”
Samtidig udsender han et kæmpe tak til fans verden over, for deres forståelse og tålmodighed:
“On behalf of Dorna I would like to thank all the fans for their understanding and patience as we wait for the situation to improve. We very much look forward to returning to the Sachsenring and the TT Circuit Assen in 2021, and eagerly await the Grand Prix debut of the new KymiRing next season.”