Tilskuere tilbage til MotoGP
Ifølge MotoGP’s officielle hjemmeside samt nedenstående rytter-kommentarer, er den største nyhed til sæsonens 7. afdeling, at der igen må komme tilskuere ind på tribunerne på Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya.
Man vil køre på 20% kapacitet til dette event, men som vi kan udlede af nedenstående kommentarer, er lidt bedre end ingenting.
Er du ikke skarp til engelsk, kan vi fortælle, at essensen af de tre udtalelser er, at man er super glad for at der igen kommer tilskuere til løbet, og at kørerne har savnet de dedikerede fans opbakning utroligt meget.
Quartararo: “So happy there will be fans. The approach will be the same, the only thing that will change is finally we have some fans. Last year in Misano was the first we had and even if there isn’t a lot compared to what we normally see, it’s really nice to see them and feel their support, and if we have something to celebrate it’s always nice to be with the fans.”
Mir: “Yeah, I’m very happy about the crowd and everything. Still it is not the same because there’s not all the public that we want and we need, but this is still really good is one step closer to what will be in the future. We almost forget that normally on tracks there’s people in the grandstands so it will be nice too. Also, what you miss a lot is that when you get a good result or even a bad result, the support of the people and the fans, once you are on the podium and yeah it’s something that I missed a lot and I hope to see it here. Something that I’ve never lived before in a MotoGP level is this, the fans I mean, now because yeah, when you are in Moto3 or Moto2, it is not the same as when you are fighting for a title than the crowd that supports you in MotoGP, so in 2019, I was a rookie but last year I was able to win the title with nobody on track and that was something really sad you know. I’m curious to see if with all the people on the grandstands and everything, is something that that I really miss and it is something that I want I want to live!”
Marc Marquez: “Yes, as Joan says, it’s normal that it’s… and it’s nice also for the world. I mean it’s a natural step, and I think it’s good news. Also it’s nice that the first GP that fans will be allowed is in Spain and the Catalan GP, so yeah, we will see of course, as we see in the football, in the tennis, step by step they opened the gates to the fans and this is a is something natural that of course a circuit is much bigger than a football stadium or tennis like here in the Godo in Barcelona. So happy and looking forward to the future to increase the number of fans because of course as riders we can feel it on the track. As they say I believe that the riding style, riding performance is not affected but maybe it can affect in the emotions, in the last laps, in the celebrations so all these things of course we miss the fans, but it’s true that in riding performance, I think the level is there and will be the same.”
📯🏟 Released the access protocol for the #CatalanGP! 💪
— Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya (@Circuitcat_eng) June 3, 2021
20% Spectator Capacity and 8 independent facilities with 3,000 spectators each.
Check the #MotoGP access protocol. 👇👇
🗞👉 https://t.co/46uVSs4wFe pic.twitter.com/H0ANqkBGqI
Som du kan se i opslaget her, har man på Catalunya forberedt otte separate faciliteter, hvor der på hver må opholde sig 3.000 personer, og de i alt 24.000 tilskuerpladser udgør altså 20% af banens fulde kapacitet.
Hertil har arrangørerne indrettet det således, at der også er separate indgange til hver enkelt af de otte tilskuerpladser, så man holder folk i forskellige bobler, og herved nedsætter smitterisiko.
Af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager er det ikke tilladt at færdes i banens såkaldte “public areas” – altså der hvor der er merchandise- og madboder så langt øjet rækker.
Nej, publikum skal blive inde i deres tildelte boble, og for som et kirsebær på toppen af denne halvsmeltede softice, så er sæderne på tribunerne også opdelt så afstandskravene kan opretholdes.