BMW Motorrad TAGE 2021 aflyst
Hvis du sædvanligvis betragter dig selv som en fast del af inventaret på de populære BMW Motorrad Tage, så beklager vi at overbringe en rigtig kedelige nyhed.
Som du ved blev BMW Motorrad Tage aflyst i 2020, og det populære gigantiske arrangementet skulle efter planen være afviklet i Juli måned i år i Berlin.
Men i dag oplyser BMW Group i en pressemeddelelse, at man desværre også har set sig nødsaget til at aflyse arrangementet i år.
Se den pressemeddelelse nederst i artiklen.
BMW Group oplyser, at det sker på baggrund af udviklingen samt de omfattende tiltag for at begrænse smittespredning af Corona.
Ydermere oplyser BMW Group, at det er med tungt hjerte organisationen bag BMW Motorrad Tage aflyser dette års arrangement.
Trist for dem der allerede var begyndt at planlægge årets tur, men også rigtig pænt af BMW Group at informere om aflysningen i god til.
Set gennem de aller mest positive briller, så informerer BMW Group også om, at man allerede nu ser frem til at afvikle BMW Motorrad Tage i 2022.
Due to current developments and the associated measures to contain the corona virus, not to mention our duty of care…
Slået op af BMW Motorrad i Torsdag den 25. februar 2021
BMW Motorrad Days 2021 update – Cancellation of this year’s event.
25.02.2021 Press Release
Munich. In light of current developments and the associated extensive measures to contain the corona virus, not to mention our duty of care towards our guests and staff, it is with a heavy heart that the Organization Team of the BMW Motorrad Days has decided to cancel this year’s event as already in 2020.
For many years, the BMW Motorrad Days have been one of the largest customer events of the BMW Group with a large number of guests from all over the world. Our aim is to always meet this aspiration. However, the current circumstances and the associated enormous planning uncertainties no longer allow this highly internationally oriented event to be planned as the necessary lead times involved are very long. This means that the BMW Motorrad Days cannot be carried out.
Our early cancellation will moreover make planning easier for our many overseas visitors, knowing they have longer lead times for logistics and travel arrangements.
All the more we are already looking forward to July 2022, where we finally will be able to celebrate again with all our guests and fans at the BMW Motorrad Days.